Dress To Impress

When you get a new puppy it’s a lot like getting a new baby. Sometimes when people can’t have children their pets ARE their kids. So dressing them up is natural and beyond fun! Some of the best pictures of my bulldogs are the ones where they had on a Hawaiian shirt or cute frilly dress. One of the places that sells awesome pet clothes is Spark Paws.


They have it all and it’s beyond adorable. I’ve found pup dresses on Amazon, at Petsmart, Petco, Etsy and Ebay. It’s fun to put headbands on little girls and bow ties on little boys. They have tons of natural charm but this takes it up a notch. Some dogs really love clothes. Some look at you as if you’re torturing them. It can be pretty comical. The first time I put a sweater on Tazzie she walked backwards thinking it would come off. I couldn’t stop giggling. She only wore it for pictures and then it came off. I’ve heard other stories of dogs who like their clothes so much they don’t want them taken off. My son’s dog wore a bandana every day. He would paw at my son until he put it on him. It only came off long enough to get washed.

So yeah! I think some dogs know they are more a part of the “pack” when they look like everyone else. Some bulldog parents just like how their babies look all spiffed up. Whichever way you lean it’s fun to watch football when everyone is in the spirit and your bulldog sports a jersey for the winning team. Get your jersey here…


Adele Marshall